Once I got the CDA mounted to the engine I was able to slide the clutch onto the drive shaft. Probably a no-brainer for most, but for me this was a learning experience. This step and the gas tank swap was done with the engine removed and not attached to the frame. I'm sure that you can hammer things to fit, but this was easier for me. The Coleman heat shield has a round stamped section that allows the CDA to fit snugly. I removed the Predator heat shield and replaced it with the heat shield from the Coleman motor. The CDA would not fit correctly (3 out of 4 bolts lining up on the motor over the drive shaft) due to the chain sprocket piece on the back of the motor hitting the Predator heat shield. Now that I had the gas tanks swapped, the first thing I tried to do was mount the stock Coleman chain drive assembly (black rectangular thing that mounts to the engine - I will call this the CDA moving forward) to the Predator motor. This change-out was very frustrating for me to find out, but I wouldn't recommend this engine swap without swapping the gas tanks. This means you have to remove the exhaust and air box in order to remove the tank. It's a real pain in the ass to try to put gas in this thing without changing the gas tank. The Predator 212 motor fits the Coleman CT200U-A frame, but the gas tank cap sits directly under the seat when installed. You could probably buy this from a hardware store but I wanted an exact fit the first time to prevent back & forth to the store. Bolt & washer kit to mount the clutch to the drive shaft - I initially had thought I was going to go direct clutch to back wheel sprocket, so I purchased a kit that included a spacer but I was actually able to mount the Coleman chain drive assembly to the Predator.

I worked on this for about 8 hours total (including mounting and remounting engines multiple times) and hopefully this will help someone like me who is having issues with the stock Hisun motor and wants to change out their motor with a Predator 212. Super helpful, right? My terminology may be off so anyone who knows better please help me out with any part descriptions that don't make sense. All of the videos I was able to find showed the bikes after the engines had already been installed and with everything running normally.
I have no experience with anything mechanical so this was a challenge for me since I wasn't able to find any videos online that showed exactly how to do the engine swap. So I couldn't get my stock Coleman motor to work anymore ( posted a while back) and decided to do an engine swap with the Predator 212 motor I picked up at Harbor Freight after watching some videos online. r/garagefabrication - Let's be honest, this applies to most mini bikes r/scooters - The less fun version of the mini bike r/Motorcycles - The mini bike's big brother

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Post removal for violation of this rule is left to the discretion of the mod team. Any tech question without pictures or video(of the actual problem not just a blurry picture of your bike) will be removed with message from mod team for reason of removal. RULE NO.1 No Low Effort Tech Questions If you need help you can make an effort towards making it easy on the people trying to help you. Old Mini Bikes - probably the most expansive mini bike knowledge base there isĭIY Go Karts - This site also has a large knowledge base The more times you stress metal beyond its limits the more likely it is to fail. The flywheel can go through the blower housing. Q2: Can I remove my governor without replacing the connecting rod and a flywheel? I don't recommend doing this on minibikes if your flywheel lets go your leg is right next to it. Next you will probably need it inspected by your state police to be issued a title. And a custom charging system to power all this. You will need to add head light, tail light, brake light, turn signals, horn and and mirrors. Still interested? First check your state laws some states outright ban converting off road vehicles. The idea of having transportation under a $1000 isn't feasible. Its not cheap to convert a minibike to street legal machine. Q1: Can I make my minibike street legal? First and foremost a minibike is the worst possible street riding experience rigid frame, air cooled engine, and no transmission. If you know of a link that you feel should be listed here, message the moderators with a link. You can ask for advice or give advice and tips. This subreddit is for everything minibikes.